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Am I required to have an IOLTA帐户?

Yes, if you receive IOLTA eligible funds. 在您开始接收信托资金之前,您不需要拥有任何客户信托账户. 例如,非私人执业的澳门赌场官网可能永远不会收到IOLTA合格的资金. When you begin to receive funds on behalf of 客户, such as advance fees or unearned costs, 您必须为每个客户维护一个单独的信托账户(如果预计为客户赚取的利息超过维护账户的成本), 或一个有利息的共同客户或“汇集”信托账户,以持有多个客户的资金. 预先支付的费用,例如固定费用或按小时收费的款项,通常存入D.C. IOLTA帐户. Absent informed consent from the client, a fee advance from a client must be placed in a trust account. Most firms place these fee advances in a D.C. 因为预付款被认为是名义上的或短期持有,因此个人信托账户中赚取的任何利息将被用于管理费用. Therefore, if you receive IOLTA eligible funds, you must have a D.C. IOLTA帐户. 如果你作为澳门赌场官网收到的钱是支付你已经提供的法律服务, 例如, 你完成了工作, 寄了一张账单,并得到了付款, then you do not need a trust account of any kind.

Are there any exceptions to the new, mandatory IOLTA帐户 rule?

Yes, there are two limited exceptions. Trust funds are not deposited into a D.C. 当澳门赌场官网在其他方面遵守法庭的相反授权时,即为《澳门赌场官网》. 换句话说, 如果法院命令指示澳门赌场官网将信托资金存入D账户以外的账户.C. IOLTA帐户, the lawyer must comply. 第二种例外情况发生在澳门赌场官网参与并遵守该澳门赌场官网持有执照并主要从事业务的另一个司法管辖区的IOLTA计划时. 例如, if the lawyer is licensed in and principally practices in Maryland, IOLTA合格资金来自D.C. 客户可以存入马里兰州IOLTA账户,澳门赌场官网不需要D.C. IOLTA帐户.

Lawyers may seek additional guidance from the D.C. 酒吧’s legal ethics counsel, at 202-737-4700, ext. 1010或at (电子邮件保护).

How do I set up an IOLTA帐户?

你的商业(经营)账户所在的同一家金融机构应该能够帮助你使用正确的表格设置账户, 但您可以选择经批准的金融机构名单上的任何金融机构. The list of approved financial institutions is available from the D.C. 澳门赌场官网基金会(202-467-3750)或专业责任委员会(202-638-4290). 如果你在金融机构与之打交道的人不知道IOLTA账户是什么, 去找另一个人, 分支, 或者金融机构, 或致电IOLTA项目管理员(202-467-3750)或D .的实践管理顾问.C. 酒吧 (202-780-2762 or 202-780-2764) for help.

Where can I find the IOLTA Form?

这是一页,51页.80kb PDF文件

Note: Many banks use this form. 但是,当您开立IOLTA帐户时,请随身携带该表格,然后将其转发给D.C. 酒吧基础. Do not send it directly to the 酒吧 or attempt to fill it out online.

Do all of my trust accounts have to be IOLTA帐户s?

No, 只是一个共同客户信托账户,您可以将多个客户的客户资金存入该账户,该账户的金额是象征性的,或将在短时间内持有. Other trust accounts that you may choose to open for a single client ordinarily will not be IOLTA帐户s; the client will get all interest on the funds held. 是否单独设立信托账户取决于澳门赌场官网的合理判断(见规则1).15、评论[5]). 当资金超过“名义”和/或持有时间超过“短期”时,一般会设立单独账户, 这样赚来的利息就不会被管理账户的成本所消耗.

What do the terms “nominal in amount” and “short duration” mean?

这些条款在规则中没有明确定义,由澳门赌场官网自行决定. 许多公司将多个客户的预付款存入共同客户信托账户, knowing that the funds will be removed as earned. Some firms also place settlement funds into a common–client trust account, 知道资金将在几天或几周内分配给客户和其他接收者. 其他澳门赌场官网, knowing that they will be receiving large amounts of funds for a client, or must hold funds for weeks or months, 决定为那一个客户开一个单独的计息信托账户. 当这些资金由澳门赌场官网持有时,客户将获得利息收益. 再一次。, 最后的决定权留给了每个澳门赌场官网,让他们用合理的理由来决定把资金放在哪里. 对规则1的注释[5].15 states in part: “The determination, 根据(b)段, whether trust funds are not expected to earn income in excess of costs, rests in the sound judgment of the lawyer. 澳门赌场官网应每隔一段合理的时间审查信托惯例,以确定情况是否需要对任何客户或第三方的资金采取进一步行动.”

I already have an IOLTA帐户, but the interest goes to another bar. Do I have to have an IOLTA帐户 for D.C. 客户?

It depends upon where you principally practice. When the lawyer is participating in, 并且符合, 信托会计规则和澳门赌场官网持有执照并主要从事业务的另一个司法管辖区的IOLTA计划, the lawyer is not required to have a D.C. IOLTA账号,可以放置D.C. eligible trust funds into the IOLTA帐户 of the other jurisdiction. 然而, 经常检查以确保你遵守你主要执业的司法管辖区的IOLTA规则.


If the clear majority of your income is generated in Maryland, 您被认为主要在马里兰州执业,您没有义务拥有哥伦比亚特区的IOLTA. For Maryland IOLTA questions see: www.mlsc.org.

对规则1的注释[4].第15条为澳门赌场官网如何确定其主要执业地点提供指导. Lawyers may also seek guidance from the D.C. 酒吧’s legal ethics counsel, at 202-737-4700, ext. 1010或at (电子邮件保护).

How do I contact the IOLTA program if I have questions?

For more information about the IOLTA program, please visit dcbarfoundation.org or contact the IOLTA administrator at the D.C. 酒吧基础 at 202-467-3750.

有关客户信托账户或处理客户资金的更多信息,请联系D.C. 酒吧 Practice Management Advisory Service at 202-780-2762. 执业管理咨询服务是哥伦比亚特区澳门赌场官网协会的一项免费保密服务,旨在帮助会员解决各种执业管理问题. For free and confidential assistance with ethical questions, please contact the D.C. 酒吧’s legal ethics counsel at 202-737-4700.
